Sunday, August 26, 2012

100 Things About Me #63 - I Live In South Florida And Hurricanes Are Common Place

Issac is passing through right now, Lucky for us it is only topical storm conditions for us.  At our house we  hunkered down for the day, no one left the house at all and we managed to stay really busy... I was hoping for a little Art Journaling time and didn't slow down enough until now. Maybe I will allow myself a beautiful hour or two now to work in my journal. These are some of the recent things I've been working on.


Friday, August 10, 2012

100 Things About Me # 62 .... I Don't Always Make Frequent Blog Updates.

Just stopping by to see who's still around ... looks like a few of you are still here, and it looks like others have been away as long as I have.
The photo below is of my two Granddaughters, they moved home from Atlanta in December with their Mommy. Actually Marleia, the little one was not born yet but she is here now and together they keep us really busy.

I've been thinking a bit about blogging again, being away for a while has been a good thing maybe starting from scratch can spark a new creative outlet for me. Today, I just wanted to see if I could figure out how to post a photo and create a new post with all of the changes that have taken place.

For now ... Peace & Love
*** Coy ***