Sunday, May 23, 2004

I'm taking 3 questions too!

I am taking 3 questions too!

     You may have noticed that several journals have opened them selves up for answering your questions. I thought I would try it too.

     You ask me 3 questions, I give you the answers and will probably ask you 3 questions too. Guess it's a good way for us to all get to know each other a little better.

                      *** Coy *** 


Ask Penny, Stacey, Patrick and Jeff

3 questions too!


Penny,   1. If you were to select music for a soundtrack of the day you've had, what songs would you play in the background and why? Thats what friends are for (because of a conversation I had with my friend David before work today) * Working 9 to 5 or actually 12 to 8 (because I did today) * We are family (because I work with some people that I am as close to as family) * Teach your children well (because of a E-mail my daughter Angie sent to me today and because of the one I sent back to her)  * I'll be there for you, the Friends song (because of all the new comments in my journal from all of my new friends here in AOL-J) 

2.  What do you really, deeply want from life?  Happy, healthy well grounded lives for my children. Adventure, love and lot's of friends for me.

3.  What emotions surface during thunderstorms? Thunderstorms are commomn place here in Florida. Every afrernoon around 3:00, in the summertime big black clouds roll out from the Everglades and nature decides how much fury to unleash. My thoughts usually lean towards, " I hope it stops raining by the time I leave work, or leave for work depending on the day. check here   to read what I like to do during a hurricane watch.


   1. What one song moves you to a great emotion? Mark Anthony's "You sang to me."   My favorite music to listen to is the original music that my friends have written over the years. 

2. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?   St. Maarten, a Carribean Island that I visited in January.

3. Who do you consider your hero or heroine? That's easy, Oprah! I think that she should be president.



   1. What are you most afraid of? I am most afraid of never loving or being loved the way I was in a 6 month, whirl wind, sweep you off your feet, love of a lifetime relationship that I was in about 3 years ago.

2. What lesson about life have you learned SINCE turning 40 that you MOST WISH you had learned BEFORE turning 40? Don't sweat the small stuff and It's almost all small stuff. 

3. If you had to live in any other state besides Florida, which one would you pick and why?
If it had to be another state I would choose Alabama. 90% of every person that I am related to lives in Alabama and I have never lived close to them. Truth be known I would choose to live in St. Maarten, a caribbean island that I visited in January.        

  Gregg- Golden Child Superstar 

  Hmmm. You know I'm no good at these things because I can turn anything around to be about myself. LOL! Well here goes nothing. :-)

1. Why is it that I'm so much better-looking than everyone else in the world? LMAO J/K! Okay. I'll be serious. You've gotta know how I love to hear you talk like this Boy Child :-) kiss, kiss!

1. If you could live anywhere in the world right now where would it be and why?
Everyone keeps asking me the same question. Maybe it's a sign that I should pack up and move to St. Maaarten the most beautiful place that I have ever seen on this earth. I fell in love with the natural beauty of this island. Much less developed than my second choice, St. Thomas. (see photo 1 and 2 above)

2. When you're driving alone down a  long stretch of road in your car, what come to mind? My 2 kids, Angie and Joey that live with their Father in Louisiana and about Mandy, my 17 year old that still lives at home with me. I love them so.

3. Civilzation as we know it is about to come to an abrubt end and you're the one responsible for leaving a message behind for whoever may happen upon the ruins of this planet. It can only be one sentence long. What would it be? "Peace on Earth"   Are you to young to remember Billy Jack?



Anonymous said...

1. If you were to select music for a soundtrack of the day you've had, what songs would you play in the background and why?

2.  What do you really, deeply want from life?

3.  What emotions surface during thunderstorms?

I couldn't access journals last night either, and I saw where another friend couldn't either.

Love, Penny

Anonymous said...

Thank-you Coy for dropping by my journal Ellipsis. I did answer your three questions in the entry containing just the answers titled "Me, Me, Me Revisited. Thank you for dropping by. I like your journal very much and will be adding it to my sidebar. Take care. Carly :) Heres my three for you...:)

1. What one song moves you to a great emotion?

2. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

3. Who do you consider your hero or heroine?

Anonymous said...

Nice journal, Coy.  I've added you to my Bloglines list.

Here are my questions:

1. What are you most afraid of?

2. What lesson about life have you learned SINCE turning 40 that you MOST WISH you had learned BEFORE turning 40?

3. If you had to live in any other state besides Florida, which one would you pick and why?

(My answers are coming soon to my journal.)

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. You know I'm no good at these things because I can turn anything around to be about myself. LOL! Well here goes nothing. :-)

1. Why is it that I'm so much better-looking than everyone else in the world? LMAO J/K! Okay. I'll be serious.

1. If you could live anywhere in the world right now where would it be and why?

2. WHen you're driving alone down a  long stretch of road in your car, what come to mind?

3. Civilzation as we know it is about to come to an abrubt end and you're the one responsible for leaving a message behind for whoever may happen upon the ruins of this planet. It can only be one sentence long. What would it be?

Anonymous said...

OK, I never commented on your Journal b4, but here's a question:1. Do you believe a whirlwind sweep you off your feet relationship is love or lust or fantasy or?
2. If you lived in the Carribean would you try to help the children that live in poverty or not?
3. Do you have a purpose for your life?
;-) Echo, a boomer